Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Editing Upcoming Events

Click on the video below to watch a tutorial on how to Edit Upcoming Events.


Tutorial Video (Flash Player)
If you would like to edit the Upcoming Events section in the left nav of your site you will need to log on to ts.wou.edu on the Remote Desktop. Within the X:drive/include_files/subsite_files folder you will find your site's folder there. Once inside the folder you will want to double click on the file called left_nav.php. It will open the file in Dreamweaver. Click the Code view button at the top

Depending on which month you want to show it will either be month01 for  January all the way to month12 for December. Change the month to the one you would like. Change the number date to what you would like it to be, if it is only a single digit put a 0 infront. (example January you would put 01) Then change the name of the event.

Then hit save. Refresh the browser and your changes should take effect.

Please let me know if you have further questions gauntzd@wou.edu or 503-838-8215